This agreement not to sue is executed and delivered by the undersigned said person, at Chichester, Merrimack County, New Hampshire and to and in favor Darbster Foundation (Doggy).
WHEREAS, the undersigned person will never institute any action or suit in law or equity against Darbster Foundation (Doggy) nor institute, prosecute or in any way aid, assist or participate, directly or indirectly in the institution of any claim, demand, loss or injury, either to person or property, or both, whether developed or undeveloped, resulting or to result, known or unknown, past, present or future, arising from Darbster Foundation (Doggy) and its facility, including, but not limited to any damage, loss or injury either to person or property, or both, resulting from contact with or the actions or conduct of any animal or animals at or in the custody or control or in connection with the enrollee, others at Darbster Foundation (Doggy).
The undersigned said person further hereby releases, demises, and discharges Darbster Foundation (Doggy) and its employees and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Darbster Foundation (Doggy) harmless from and against any and all of the foregoing, including but not limited to actions, causes of action, claims, demands, damages, suits, costs, and expenses the undersigned have had or has for any reason or which may occur or arise by reason of the undersigned’s participation or activity now, heretofore or hereafter at or with Darbster Foundation (Doggy).
This release shall inure for the benefit of Darbster Foundation (Doggy) itself and related organizations, its successors and assigns, officers, agents, directors, employees and representatives; and shall bind the undersigned’s successors and assigns, spouse, natural or appointed guardian or ward, heirs, executors, administrators, agents and representatives.
The undersigned hereby executes and delivers this hold harmless and agreement not to sue in order to induce Darbster Foundation (Doggy) to permit said person to perform any assigned duties and any equipment necessary to perform said duties while performing volunteer duties or performing community service hours by order of any court.
The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has carefully read and understands the foregoing and has the right and desires to execute this instrument.