Thank you for choosing to volunteer at Darbster Rescue! Volunteers play an essential role both here at the shelter helping care for our shelter animals and out in the community educating others, encouraging responsible pet ownership and sharing the joy of animal companionship.
Individuals under age 16 must be accompanied by parent/guardian when volunteering.
Please note: For volunteers under age 18, parent/guardian signature will be required on this form (see below).
Please list the nature of the offense, court (city, county, and state) disposition, and date.
Volunteer Agreement
• I will abide by the policies and procedures put in place by Darbster Rescue and associated entities where events may occur.
• I will treat all animals with respect and care.
• I will be polite and professional to all staff, other volunteers, and the public at times.
• Should there be any problems with an animal, a staff member, or the public, I will speak only to a supervisor regarding the issue.
• I will speak in a positive manner regarding Darbster Rescue at all times.
• I will volunteer during the days and times I have committed to and will use the time sheet provided upon signing in and out of my shift.
• In addition, I will do the job I am assigned to and stay in the area I am assigned to during my shift times.
• Because safety is paramount, I will adhere to safety protocols at all times and at all levels; thus, I must have the ability to follow and execute written and verbal instructions from designated immediate supervisors and chain of command.
• I agree to respect the nature of the information I may obtain while being a volunteer.
• I understand that Darbster Rescue is an animal shelter with the goal to save as many animals as possible, but understand that euthanasia is sometimes necessary and I respect and understand decisions made by Darbster Rescue staff members.
• I understand that my failure to follow the policies and rules of Darbster Rescue may result in termination of my services as a volunteer.VOLUNTEER WAIVER
I agree to release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless the Darbster Rescue from any damage to my personal property while performing my volunteer services at Darbster Rescue at a volunteer capacity.
I recognize that in handling animals while performing my volunteer services, there exists a risk of injury, including personal physical harm. On behalf of myself, my heirs, my personal representatives, and executors, I hereby release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless the Darbster Rescue, its agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims, causes of action or demands, of any nature or cause connected with my Volunteer Agreement. This might include costs and attorney’s fees and court costs incurred by the Darbster Rescue in connection with my volunteer services based on damages or injuries which might be incurred or sustained but are not limited to animal bites, scratches, accidents, injuries, and personal property damage.
I understand that all public relations are an important part of volunteering at the Darbster Rescue. I therefore agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, my personal representatives and my executers, to allow the Darbster Rescue to use any photographs taken of me for use in public relations efforts. The Darbster Rescue will use responsible efforts to notify me before use, but such notification is not a condition of the photographs being released for public relations purposes.
I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of the foregoing volunteer agreement and release that I will comply the same.HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT
This agreement not to sue is executed and delivered by the undersigned said person, at Chichester, Merrimack County, New Hampshire and to and in favor Darbster Rescue.
WHEREAS, the undersigned person will never institute any action or suit in law or equity against Darbster Rescue nor institute, prosecute or in any way aid, assist or participate, directly or indirectly in the institution of any claim, demand, loss or injury, either to person or property, or both, whether developed or undeveloped, resulting or to result, known or unknown, past, present or future, arising from Darbster Rescue and its facility, including, but not limited to any damage, loss or injury either to person or property, or both, resulting from contact with or the actions or conduct of any animal or animals at or in the custody or control or in connection with the enrollee, others at Darbster Rescue.
The undersigned said person further hereby releases, demises, and discharges Darbster Rescue and its employees and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Darbster Rescue harmless from and against any and all of the foregoing, including but not limited to actions, causes of action, claims, demands, damages, suits, costs, and expenses the undersigned have had or has for any reason or which may occur or arise by reason of the undersigned’s participation or activity now, heretofore or hereafter at or with Darbster Rescue.
This release shall inure for the benefit of Darbster Rescue itself and related organizations, its successors and assigns, officers, agents, directors, employees and representatives; and shall bind the undersigned’s successors and assigns, spouse, natural or appointed guardian or ward, heirs, executors, administrators, agents and representatives.
The undersigned hereby executes and delivers this hold harmless and agreement not to sue in order to induce Darbster Rescue to permit said person to perform any assigned duties and any equipment necessary to perform said duties while performing volunteer duties or performing community service hours by order of any court.
The undersigned acknowledges that he/she has carefully read and understands the foregoing and has the right and desires to execute this instrument.